Sustenance Training / Lifestyle Support
Here at when we speak of Sustenance Training we are addressing not only the foods we eat and how we prepare them, but also what we choose to take in concerning all other parts of our lives.
Influences such as: television shows and movies, subjects we focus on and the people we associate with, to name just a very few. All of these things directly affect our hearts, minds and physical make-up, and there's always some fine tuning to be done. This process of awareness opens the door to directing your focus toward achieving your highest ideal of peace, productivity, and wellness.
Ideally, we choose what is most beneficial for us in support of a higher sense of well being.
So what we come to ask ourselves is:
1. What do you wish you had more time for?
2. Is the food you are eating making you feel vital?
3. Are the relationships in your life comfortable and inspiring?
The above questions are just a few of the big ones. From there we we begin to discover more about ourselves through "tuning-in" to how the above affect us, we begin to understand more about our choices.
Let thy food be thy medicine, and thy medicine be thy food.
Hippocrates, Father of Medicine, 400 B.C.
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